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Robbie Andrade

Senator of the Month

November 2023

Connecting with Advising to share various concerns / questions and being a part of Faculty Senate conversations regarding academic policies and procedures have provided Robbie with much appreciated insight for our Senate and the greater student body.

Year: Freshman

Major: Political Science

Positions: Commuter Senator, Academic Affairs Committee Chair

Joined SGA: October 2023

Get to know Robbie

Robbie has been very active in SGA since joining as a Commuter Senator back in October. In November, Robbie was especially active within the Academic Affairs Committee, to the point where when the sitting chair was out of commission, he was able to give reports and run operations of the committee smoothly in their absence. This initiative and presence in the Senate is that of a model Senator. Take notes!

His impact throughout this semester

November 2023

Mid-November 2023


Robbie was elected as SGA's Academic Affairs Committee Chair when the position opened up in early November. He has connected with various administrators on campus regarding both of his roles, and has definitely made his presence known... even as a new member of the Senate. Two notable efforts that Robbie has made within the Academic Affairs Committee have been meeting with the head of Advising, and serving on the Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee.

Connecting with Advising to share various concerns / questions and being a part of Faculty Senate conversations regarding academic policies and procedures have provided Robbie with much appreciated insight for our Senate and the greater student body. As one of our two Commuter Senators, Robbie looks to connect more with commuters in the future and develop new events and initiatives to make commuters on campus have more identity.

November was a busy month for SGA, and Robbie certainly stood out. We're ready for all of the success that's to come for Robbie and our Senators next semester. Congrats!

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