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  • How do I get involved in SGA?
    Come to our events! Whether it be General Body Meetings, Town Hall, Shake the Ship/Leadership Forum, or Open House (and more!), these are the best ways to get a taste of what SGA has to offer and see how you can add to it. As you learn more about SGA and speak with your senators, you may decide you want to run for a vacant seat that pertains to you. If you would like to run for a seat, we recommend you reach out to the SGA Executive Board, so we can give you a better idea of what the requirements are.
  • Who can attend SGA's General Body Meetings?
    Anybody! Students, professors, faculty, staff, and even non-students are welcome to come listen and give thoughts on the campus!
  • I want to plan an event on campus. How can SGA help me?
    If you want to plan an event, the department that can best help you is Student Activities, Involvement, & Leadership (SAIL)! However, each of SGA’s Class Councils is also here to assist you in hosting events. You can find and reach out to your Class Council using the Leadership tab above! In addition, SGA’s Treasurer & Finance Committee consider Senate Funded Program (SFP) requests, which can help you fund your event. You can find the SFP Form in the Records tab above.
  • I run an organization funded by SGA. How can we raise our funds?
    The best way to raise more funds for your organization is to fundraise! You can fundraise using tons of tactics like running tables or hosting events!
  • How do I get my organization recognized by SGA?
    The first thing you need to do is register your new organization on MyOrgs here: ⁃ Sign in > Go to the Organizations tab on the right > Click on Register an Organization > Click on Register a New Organizations ⁃ You must also complete the steps outlined in the SGA Bylaws: please refer to Title VII (Pages 9-10) of the SGA Bylaws, found in the Records tab above!
  • What are SGA committees and how do they work?
    Committee Chairs lead groups of senators in SGA's committees that meet once a week to discuss specific issues on campus. These meetings can be attended by any student with the permission of the chair, and are a great way for students to get involved in a specific area of their interest.
  • Who is my senator? How do I get in contact with them?
    Your senator(s) are the students currently occupying a seat that applies to you. You can find these seats using the Leadership tab above and use it to get in contact with them! In addition, each senator has their own designated office hours, which anybody can attend. You can also book a meeting with a senator right here on the website!
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